Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You Got Spunk, You Got Something All The Girls Want.

Let's go backwards.

I just got back from The Lamsion after Tum and I assembled 4 bar stools. They are air adjustable black/chrome from BBB [Bed Bath and Beyond for you non cool people]. Yep, they were a steal. 69.99 a piece, but with 4 20% off coupons from Stephanie Pham, they became 55.99, times four and minus gift cards from the Patel's [Hemminway Shoutout] these four bad boys were a whooping 218.xx out the door. Enjoy the classy-ness.

Please note the body fat monitor/scale in the background. Will note it in the post.


We went to the Grove [Monica's place] to pick up some stuff Nicole graciously left us. 1 garbage bag and 2 cardboard boxes. Inside were tons of stuff such as seasoning, silverware, tupperware, knives and so much to list. We cleaned it out and kept what we needed!

Thank you Nicole Kang.

And wine glasses!

Want to Thank Joey/Michelle for the Target GC.

Thank you Dong Vinh/Will Lu & Oanh/Maddie. 

Look how nice it looks in the drawer!

Tons more stuff and additions. Pics coming when projects are done. Might have found a bet set at ScanDesign. Goodnight.

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