Onto the home, I spent a second complete day on The Lamsion today. Met J at 8, headed to Lowe's and looked at lights for our stairs. We were about to buy these:
We got to the register and realized, if we were to ghetto rig these onto the stair case it would look wack. So we put them back and headed to the competition: The Home Depot. What do I love about THD? There is a sign outside that reads "We Will Not Be Undersold" and then a Lowe's logo crossed out. That makes me smile every time. Walk in and look at lights again and realize, all of these lights are for bitches and none will make The Lamsion stand out. We went back to what we know best...Recessed Lightning. I purchased a bunch of 6" housings last week but they are too big for the stair case. So we looked at smaller ones and found sweet looking 4" housings and they were on CLEARANCE! For 20.24...what the fck? A 6" housing costs 8.66, why does something 1/3 smaller cost three times as much? Whatever, major bullshit. We had to buy them. Then we had to buy a 4" bit for our drill to cut perfect circles, cause you know our shit be right. After all of these purchase, we spend about a buck fifty to light the staircase. What is sad about this? 150 to light an area that is used twice a day for less than 1 minute. 100 dollars to light the kitchen which will be used 100x more, I don't understand how my mind works. We should just be green and carry rechargeable flashlights.
Got home and we started fishing the wire from the attic to the switch for the living room, about an hour passed and J had to go meet his ex-coworkers for lunch in RWC. This is where I am going to go on a RANT. I fcking hate running wire behind the wall. Once I get good at sheet rock I am just going to rip a hole in every wall so the wire runs perfectly. I can't explain to you how big of a fcking frustrating ordeal it is. Argh, ok anyways. After 2 hours I get the wire behind the wall, then I hook up the wires for 6 cans in the living, no power. What the fck. I hate life at this point. I wanted to just throw a hammer at the window [since it was getting replaced, which btw Lowe's is pretty sick about. They have an automated thing that calls you and sounds like a god damn robot to tell you your special order has arrived.] Long story short, they are in now, I only got electrocuted twice today and screamed in the attic on the top of my lungs reciting one of the best scenes from The Wire twice.
It feels good to finish something. Played some basketball with Peter tonight and he mentioned that I should do my own prep [sheet rock and puttying] for the texturing next week. So I guess I am giving it a shot? I am going to pick up the tools tomorrow. I got a guy [Jenn's neighbor, who comes HIGHLY recommended] coming by tomorrow to give me some quotes on some of the stuff in the upcoming weeks. If is he is who he is said to be, I will for sure pass on the good savings and craftsmanship. Which reminds me, I need to write an Yelp review for Ron The Garage Door Guys. Fck it, he was late. I will do it when I feel like it.
Hopefully tomorrow is the last day of lighting [stairs and two hallways] and this weekend we can start masking EVERYTHING and getting ready for Texture and Paint. Quick Go Sharks and Durant [Thunder too, but as long as KD plays well I am Happy]!
Peace out.
Pat dude it's ken from Oaktown, man i do a little stuff at my place too. Mostly tiling but man you better check your place out. You took out the popcorn ceiling yeah?? that's cool, but did you check when your house was built?? Pre 1981 man that stuff has asbestos all over it, I used to do asbestos investigations for construction companies, anyhow just hope that you're safe man. Shoot me an email if you want to know a little more about it.